Orlando Diabetic Neuropathy Specialists
If you’re living with diabetes, you know that the toll it can take on your body can be intense and sometimes frightening. One of the most severe, yet often overlooked complications of diabetes is diabetic neuropathy. Fortunately, there are doctors in Orlando who specialize in this medical condition and understand how to help their patients manage their symptoms. The team at Advanced Neurospine Associates has extensive experience helping individuals battling chronic diabetic neuropathy pain lead a better quality of life. We have designed patient-centered protocols for diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing care for those suffering from this insidious disease, so come visit one of our medical centers today!
What Is Diabetic Neuropathy and What Are the Symptoms?
Diabetic neuropathy is a complication of diabetes that occurs when nerve fibers or axons are damaged. This damage can occur in both the peripheral nerves that connect the brain and the spinal cord to other organs and muscles, as well as in autonomic nerves that regulate internal activities such as digestion, sweating, and blood pressure. Common symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy include pain in feet, legs, hands, and arms; numbness or tingling sensations; muscle weakness or loss of reflexes; Loss of balance; and problems with digestion and bladder function. Properly managing diabetes can reduce an individual’s risk of developing further health complications due to diabetic neuropathy.
What Causes Diabetic Neuropathy?
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the peripheral nerves caused by uncontrolled blood sugar levels. It generally affects any nerve, but it most commonly affects nerves in the feet, legs, and hands. Diabetes-induced high blood glucose destroys the vessel walls that provide critical nutrients to nervous tissues. Over time, this prevents nerves from transmitting messages throughout the body, resulting in numbness or tingling in feet and hands, as well as extreme pain and difficulty walking. Other factors can contribute to diabetic neuropathy including autoimmune processes, drug or alcohol-induced neurotoxicity, and potentially genetic mutations. Treatments range from massaging painful areas with oils or creams to medications such as Gabapentin or tricyclic antidepressants. Proper glucose control is integral in managing diabetic neuropathy symptoms and preventing the further onset of the condition.
How Is Diabetic Neuropathy Treated?
Diabetic neuropathy is a challenging and complex condition to treat, but various therapies are available to help manage neuropathic pain. Pain medicines such as neuropathic pain, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and topical medications can be used depending on each case. In addition, ketamine therapy and Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) are both methods of pain management that can be discussed with a specialist. While diabetes neuropathy cannot be cured, it can be treated to provide improved symptom management and quality of life for those affected by this condition.
Neuropathic Pain Medicines
Neuropathic pain medicine for diabetic neuropathy is a vital treatment to help manage the continuous burning and numbness sensation caused by nerve damage. Many successful medications can be taken orally or topically, each of which works differently to find the best option for each case. Popular choices might include anticonvulsants and antidepressants, while some combinations of different drugs are recommended as necessary. Often neuropathic pain will be aggravated in stressful situations, so it’s important to also focus on lifestyle changes such as stress management and mindfulness. The goal is to provide relief from discomfort while encouraging active and healthy living.
Ketamine Infusion Therapy
Ketamine infusion therapy is another potential treatment option for patients suffering from diabetic neuropathy-related pain. Ketamine is an anesthetic drug commonly used for medical procedures such as surgeries or medical tests involving needles or catheters being inserted into areas of the body where there may be intense nerve pain due to diabetic nerve damage. Ketamine works by blocking nerve impulses from being sent between neurons to relieve pain sensations felt by a patient during medical procedures or daily activities such as walking or sitting down for prolonged periods. By blocking these nerve impulses, ketamine helps reduce feelings of numbness, burning sensations, and other types of discomfort associated with diabetic nerve damage.
Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS)
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is an effective treatment for pain relief associated with diabetic neuropathy. This therapy uses electrical impulses to block pain signals sent to the brain. It works by sending electrical stimulation through electrodes implanted in the spinal cord. This stimulation produces a tingling feeling that blocks pain sensations from reaching the brain. SCS therapy has been used to treat chronic pain related to a variety of conditions including diabetic neuropathy.
What Are the Risks of Not Treating Diabetic Neuropathy?
Diabetic neuropathy is a condition that is commonly seen in uncontrolled diabetic patients and can lead to a range of serious physical complications if left untreated. This can include loss of sensation or even changes in taste, cardiovascular issues, increased risk for infection, organ damage, and even death depending on the severity of the case. Early detection and rectification through medication, lifestyle modifications, and regular check-ups by primary care physicians are all recommended to help mitigate any potential risks associated with this condition. Even after treatment, it is important to remain aware of the ongoing risks of long-term diabetic complications and take proactive steps toward prevention.
Diabetic neuropathy is a serious condition that can lead to many complications if left untreated. Anyone who has diabetes should be aware of the symptoms and possible treatments for diabetic neuropathy. If you think you may have diabetic neuropathy, speak with one of our doctors right away to discuss your treatment options.