Doctors’ Pain Management Associates, LLC

dba: Advanced Neurospine Associates

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Intrathecal Pump
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Intrathecal Pumps

Are you looking for the best care available in Orlando and the surrounding area for intrathecal pump therapy? We understand that finding high-quality, reliable medical professionals and treatment centers is of utmost importance. That’s why we have assembled a team of experienced specialists who are devoted to providing superior service when it comes to helping patients with intrathecal pumps. Whether you need consultation services, implantation, maintenance, programming, or even replacement components; our doctors are ready to assist.


What Is an Intrathecal Pump and What Does It Do for Patients With Chronic Pain Conditions Like Cancer, Lumbar Post-Laminectomy Syndrome, or MS?

An intrathecal pump is a medical device commonly used by patients who experience chronic pain conditions like cancer, lumbar post-laminectomy syndrome, or multiple sclerosis (MS). The pump implants a steady, pre-programmed stream of medication near the spine to provide round-the-clock relief from pain and other symptoms associated with the condition. In comparison to oral medications, intrathecal pumps deliver medication directly to the spinal fluid in a predetermined amount and on a predetermined schedule, affording patients more control over their symptoms and increasing effectiveness since almost 90% of the medicine reaches its target as opposed to about 20% when using orally administered drugs. When an intrathecal pump is properly managed and monitored, those with chronic pain conditions can often receive the relief they need without having to worry about the numerous side effects that are common with systemic medications.


How Do You Know if You Need an Intrathecal Pump and What Are the Benefits of Having One?

Intrathecal pumps offer relief to people with chronic pain or spasticity due to medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries. An intrathecal pump device may be the best option for patients who do not find relief from traditional treatments. Additionally, an intrathecal pump can help to reduce the dose of medication used, resulting in fewer side effects for the patient than oral medications. To determine if a patient requires an intrathecal pump, their physician will evaluate their condition and treatment goals. If it is deemed necessary and appropriate, then the benefits of having one can be remarkable; including reduced doses of medication needed and improvements in quality of life.


Risks of Intrathecal Pumps

Intrathecal pumps present certain risks to patients. They are clinically useful medical devices, but they can cause blockages or leakage in the catheter that delivers medication to the spine. Similarly, movement of the pump could lead to tubing disconnections or drug overdoses. An intrathecal pump may develop pressure ulcers if patient tissue is in contact with its surface. There is also a risk of infection when an intrathecal pump is inserted or replaced, so proper adherence to sound sterilization and surgical technique should always be followed. Despite these risks, many people have found tremendous benefits from using intrathecal pumps effectively.


Who Is Responsible for Managing and Caring for the Pump – The Patient or Their Caregiver?

When it comes to managing and caring for a pump, who is responsible? The decision on who will be the primary caretaker of a pump varies from patient to patient. Generally, it is up to the likes and needs of the individual. For some, the responsibility lies with themselves or their primary caregiver. While for others, a team approach may be beneficial in which family members and healthcare professionals collaborate. Whoever takes on this responsibility should understand that proper maintenance, upkeep, and use of the pump must be adhered to gain optimal therapeutic outcomes and keep their well-being in check.


How to Cope With Life After Your Implantation Surgery – Including Physical Therapy, Home Modifications, and Emotional Support

Intrathecal pump implantation surgery can be life-changing, both physically and emotionally. Recovering from the procedure should include a personalized approach tailored to each individual. Physical therapy is important for strengthening the body after surgery and can be done on an outpatient basis with visits as often as needed. Adjusting your home environment to make daily living more comfortable can also be beneficial; this could include modifying furniture, grab bars in showers, wheelchairs, or special toilet seats. In addition to physical health, emotional support and counseling are beneficial for helping individuals manage their stress levels in the face of adapting to new routines and limitations that come with the intrathecal pump implantation surgery. Seeking healthcare services from a qualified and experienced physical therapist, occupational therapist, psychologist or counselor can help provide comfort during this time of transition.



Intrathecal pumps are a life-changing treatment for patients with chronic pain conditions like cancer, lumbar post-laminectomy syndrome, or MS. If you think you may need an intrathecal pump, talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks. Intrathecal pumps come with a lot of responsibility, so it’s important to make sure you’re up for the task before deciding to get one.

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